Can PEMF Be Harmful?
Although PEMF therapy has been incorrectly labeled as unsafe, the technology is actually considered an extremely safe and effective form of therapy. PEMF therapy is not considered harmful, but has been linked to mild side effects during use, including decreases in blood pressure and blood sugar, a sensation of discomfort at the site of application, and increased pain during the session. PEMF therapy has not been tested on pregnant women and children, and most practitioners caution against pregnant women and children using this therapy. PEMF should also be avoided if you have a pacemaker or cochlear implant, to prevent negative interactions.
Can PEMF Cause Pain?
PEMF therapy does have the potential to cause some pain or discomfort, thought this is not a common experience. PEMF therapy is more likely to cause a sensation of pain if the therapy is being utilized to treat pain or improve symptoms of neuropathy, as the body’s nerves and cells begin to communicate and produce sensation more effectively. PEMF therapy can also cause feelings of discomfort at the site of application, which has been likened to a scratching or rubbing sensation. Although PEMF therapy can lead to feeling pain, this pain is typically felt only during a therapy session, and dissipates quickly after the session has ended.
Can PEMF Help Neuropathy?
Although PEMF therapy has largely been used as an intervention for joint pain and bone loss or bone damage, it has also shown praise as an effective and safe treatment for neuropathy. Because neuropathy is produced by a loss of adequate nerve communication and transmission, most often due to the loss of myelin in nerve communication pathways, PEMF therapy has been known to improve symptoms through improving cell communication, decreasing inflammation, and supporting the body’s own natural healing and regenerative processes. PEMF therapy has been linked to improvements of neuropathy symptoms in clients who suffer from neuropathy due to diabetes and nerve damage overall.
Can PEMF Help with Weight Loss?
Although PEMF therapy has not been directly tied to weight loss, it can indirectly assist and improve weight loss efforts. The precise reason for this lies in PEMF therapy’s ability to support the body’s own natural healing processes, through improving cellular communication and function, decreasing inflammation, and decreasing pain. Many people experience increases in activity levels when pain and inflammation have lessened and sleep quality has improved. Because PEMF therapy has been tied to decreased pain and inflammation, increased mental health symptoms, and improved sleep quality, consistent PEMF therapy can act as a supplementary intervention for overall health, including components involved in weight loss.
Can PEMF Make You Tired?
The precise effect that PEMF therapy has on energy levels will vary from person to person, largely depending on what PEMF therapy is being used to target and how your unique body composition responds to changes in your health. If pain and inflammation are being treated with PEMF therapy, energy levels may actually increase for some, as sleep quality levels improve and energy levels out. For others, pain and inflammation treatment may result in an increased feeling of exhaustion, because someone who has dealt with chronic pain and inflammation may feel as though they are finally able to rest and relax. Individual PEMF sessions can cause a feeling of being relaxed, peaceful, or sleepy.
Can PEMF Regrow Cartilage?
PEMF therapy has long been studied for its applications in healing bone and cartilage, as these parts of the body are often slow to heal (and difficult to heal), due to lack of blood flow to them. PEMF therapy has shown enormous promise as an effective treatment for bone density loss and cartilage and bone damage and repair. In some evaluations of PEMF therapy, consistent use demonstrated a dramatic improvement in bone and cartilage healing times, and the quality of regrowth and remodeling. Cartilage regrowth and repair may be benefitted by consistent PEMF therapy, though it is not usually considered the sole source of intervention. Combined with physical therapy and physical support, PEMF therapy can be a powerful therapy for damaged or lost cartilage.
Can You Do Too Much PEMF?
PEMF therapy is a unique therapy, in that it would be quite difficult to overdo the therapy. Unlike medication or physical therapy, both of which can easily be used or applied too much, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy is considered a highly safe therapy, with few to no side effects. Because the therapy is simply supplying energy to your body’s cells, you cannot truly “overdo” PEMF therapy. You can use PEMF therapy and not reap additional benefits—many companies encourage as little as 16 minutes per day to yield results—but the safe nature of PEMF therapy means you are unlikely to suffer harm or damage from utilizing the therapy regularly or consistently.
Can You Use PEMF On Your Head?
Yes! Electromagnetic therapy has long been used specifically for cognitive and emotional issues, and PEMF therapy is no different. Some PEMF devices are specifically designed to be worn on the head, while others are mats or wands and can be utilized on the head as needed. PEMF therapy is used to deliver energy to your body’s cells, in order to improve cellular function and communication. Utilizing this therapy on your head can directly target issues with headaches, mental health, or even (potentially) focus issues. The only known potential issue with using PEMF on your head is using it in conjunction with a cochlear implant, which could prove damaging to your implant.
Can You Use the Bemer Too Much?
Although you are not likely to suffer any ill effects from using the Bemer in excess of what the Bemer company recommends, you may encounter some issues in using your Bemer PEMF machine more than the recommended amount. These issues are not health related, but may be warranty related. Because many PEMF machines come with a warranty, it is wise to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations as closely as possible to prevent potentially voiding a warranty. Although you may not suffer any negative health effects using the Bemer more than is recommended, check with the manufacturer to make sure you are not voiding your warranty or any guarantees.
Do PEMF Mats Really Work?
There is a solid body of evidence suggesting that PEMF therapy is an effective tool to combat mental health concerns, joint pain and degradation, bone and cartilage loss and damage, pain and inflammation, and more. PEMF mats are designed to deliver a steady stream of energy to the body’s cells, which is then used to enact the body’s own natural healing processes. This is the power of PEMF therapy: rather than introducing foreign elements into the body to correct an imbalance or supplement a loss, PEMF therapy essentially charges your body’s “batteries” in order to help it conduct its own functions more effectively.
Does Insurance Cover PEMF Therapy?
Insurance does not currently cover PEMF therapy. Because PEMF therapy is currently categorized as a wellness device with the FDA and in other health clinics and healthcare settings, insurance companies do not deem it appropriate to cover PEMF therapy services. Fortunately for people who want or need PEMF services, the therapy is not prohibitively expensive, whether sessions are delivered in an office, or at home, through the use of a home PEMF machine. With machines ranging from several hundred dollars to sessions as little as $15-$20, PEMF therapy is often highly affordable, even in the absence of insurance coverage.
Does MediCare Cover PEMF Therapy?
MediCare coverage is often utilized as a secondary form of insurance to cover medical services and procedures that are not covered by standard or traditional insurance companies. Despite its frequent use as a supplemental form of insurance, MediCare does not cover PEMF therapy. Although PEMF therapy is backed by a slew of research studies encouraging its use and demonstrating its efficacy, insurance companies (and even medical practices) can take ten years or more to catch up to ongoing research, and many procedures and therapy techniques that have enjoyed years of scientific support continue to be considered too new or alternative to receive insurance coverage. PEMF therapy ranks among these techniques.
Because NASA is a reliable and established scientific enterprise, its study and use of PEMF therapy has long inspired people to trust the results of PEMF. The link between NASA and PEMF comes from a large study conducted by NASA regarding the efficacy of PEMF therapy in treating bone density loss, depression, and other issues associated with those working for NASA. Although NASA has not formally acknowledged its continued use of PEMF therapy, its research was vital in further promoting the study and utilization of PEMF therapy, and continues to inspire health clinics and research teams. Whether NASA still uses PEMF therapy is not certain, but NASA’s support of the intervention was made clear in its groundbreaking study.
Does PEMF Help Arthritis?
One of the specific ailments that has seen a dramatic upswing in PEMF research studies is arthritis (both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis). Because arthritis is a complex series of issues compounded into a single condition, treatment for arthritis can be nuanced and difficult. PEMF therapy targets several of the potential issues known to contribute to arthritic pain, including bone and cartilage loss, inflammation, and decreased cellular communication. With regular use, studies have shown that PEMF therapy can combat the pain associated with arthritis, in addition to improving mobility and reducing swelling and inflammation. In this respect, PEMF therapy does help arthritis, though it is not currently offered in all healthcare settings and clinics.
Does PEMF Lower Blood Pressure?
In some applications, PEMF therapy has shown promise as a therapy to reduce blood pressure. Rather than being the focus of studies and treatment, however, reduced blood pressure is largely seen as a side effect or a peripheral effect of PEMF therapy used to target other issues, including using PEMF therapy as a general health support. The blood-lowering effect of PEMF therapy may not be a long-term effect, and is most prominent during the actual session. At the conclusion of a session, blood pressure levels will typically rise to normal levels. As of now, no studies exist to evaluate the long-term effect of PEMF therapy on blood pressure.
Does PEMF Reduce Inflammation?
PEMF therapy has consistently been linked to decreased inflammation in the body. The reduction of inflammation is one of the key components usually identified as the source of decreases in pain levels and subsequent healing while using PEMF therapy. When used to treat a specific area, PEMF therapy has shown promise as an effective tool to speed wound healing, in part through its ability to reduce inflammation. PEMF therapy has also been linked to increased cellular communication which can also be tied to decreased inflammation. Although inflammation is an important part of healing, chronic inflammation can stunt healing processes. PEMF therapy targets chronic inflammation to speed and improve healing.
Does PEMF Therapy Really Work?
PEMF therapy does really work. With countless research studies evaluating its use and various applications, several FDA approvals to target different conditions, and ongoing interest from health clinics, hospitals, and alternative therapists, PEMF therapy is a veritable powerhouse of intervention and can be used to supplement more traditional interventions. PEMF therapy does work, because it essentially delivers energy to the body’s cells, in order to support the body’s ability to conduct its own natural healing processes. If you are skeptical about the efficacy of PEMF therapy, PubMed and other medical journal sites publish a wealth of information about the intervention and what it can successfully be used to heal.
Does PEMF Work for Neuropathy?
PEMF therapy has shown immense promise as a supplementary treatment option for neuropathy patients. Neuropathy, whether due to nerve damage from outside sources or uncontrolled diabetes, stems largely from a loss of adequate communication between nerve pathways in the body. PEMF therapy has been linked to improvements in cellular and nerve-based communication, both of which can reduce symptoms of neuropathy. Although PEMF therapy may not directly stimulate myelin production to repair the sheathing surrounding nerves, it can deliver energy to the body to facilitate its own natural healing processes. In trials, neuropathy symptoms improve, both in terms of pain reduction and nerve stimulation.
How Bemer Therapy Can Help You?
The Bemer company targets a specific type of circulation in its marketing materials, and asserts that its PEMF therapy machines can be used to improve sleep, cognitive function, and muscle repair via its improvements in microcirculation, or circulation in the smallest blood vessels of the body—blood vessels that typically terminate in the extremities. According to Bemer, improvements in microcirculation result in better overall health and recovery, which can lead to better health overall, better sleep, better sports performance, and faster muscle recovery following exercise. Bemer therapy is often prized for its short commitment requirements: two 8-minute sessions per day.
How Do PEMF Machines Work?
PEMF machines are machines that deliver pulses of electromagnetic field energy to the body, in order to penetrate and energize the body’s cells. Most PEMF machines are comprised of 2 basic components: the PEMF delivery system (usually a mat, wand, or ring) and a control box housing the electrical components of the system. Electrical energy is applied to a pure copper coil, in order to generate a pure electromagnetic field, which is then pressed against the body, either directly against the skin, over clothing, or even beneath a mattress while sleeping, in the case of one company. When these pulses of energy are delivered, cells are imbued with enough energy to carry out their intended function and purpose, which can speed healing and support general health.
How Does a Bemer Mat Work?
A Bemer mat is a PEMF therapy machine, which means that it uses pulses of electromagnetic energy to deliver energy to the cells in the body. Because the human body is entirely dependent on having enough energy to fuel all of its functions—breathing, speaking, pumping blood throughout the body—the additional energy delivered to the body can help fuel healing efforts and pathways naturally found in the human body. With adequate energy, the body may be better equipped to manage and minimize inflammation, improve intra and intercellular communication, and generally support health. Bemer therapy is said to target microcirculation to support these healing pathways, through the use of PEMF technology.
How Does PEMF Reduce Pain?
Some of the mechanisms behind the success of PEMF therapy are still not known, but PEMF therapy is thought to improve pain responses due to two bodily changes: inflammation reduction and energy increase. PEMF therapy delivers pulses of energy to the body, which is able to penetrate and energize the body’s cells. That energy can then go toward enacting the body’s natural, normal healing pathways, which can help speed the time period expected of various healing mechanisms. Reduced healing times speed decreases in inflammation, a common cause of pain, and provide plenty of energy to take part in other pain relief efforts, such as physical therapy.
How Long Does it Take for PEMF therapy to Work?
The exact amount of time required for PEMF therapy to work will vary from person to person. Some see immediate changes to the issue they are hoping to treat, while others will use PEMF therapy for several weeks or even a month or two before you see a significant difference in your symptoms or energy levels. The general rule of thumb for any new medication or therapy is 6-12 weeks, as this is the standard period of time it can take the body to recognize input and begin the regeneration process. Not everyone who utilizes Bemer therapy will take such a long time to see results, and some will recognize a difference within a single session. How body aware you are and how severe your symptoms are can also factor in to how quickly you feel a change.
How Much Does a PEMF Machine Cost?
PEMF machine costs vary significantly from company to company and the type of machine being offered. Some PEMF therapy machines intended for home use require only a $300 investment for a basic new machine, while others run upwards of tens of thousands of dollars, and are intended for use in healthcare settings and clinics. If cost is a concern for you, purchasing brand new machines may not be necessary. Some people go the route of purchasing a used machine from local buy/sell/trade sites, while others will go in on a single machine with a friend or family member to reduce costs.
How Much Does PEMF Therapy Cost?
PEMF therapy costs will differ for every different type of delivery method. If you elect to have PEMF therapy delivered in a clinical setting, the cost can run anywhere from $15-$60 per session, while an at-home PEMF therapy machine can run anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over ten thousand dollars. Because there is such a wide range of PEMF therapy options available, most people are able to find a PEMF therapy machine or clinic that works for them, and many clinics offer their own version of a payment plan or in-house “insurance” option, in order to effectively reduce costs.
How Often Should I Use PEMF?
The amount of time recommended for PEMF use is not uniform, and will usually vary from company to company. One company, for instance, suggests using PEMF therapy during sleep, the mat placed under the mattress, which means using PEMF upwards of 8 hours each day. Another company suggests using their mat for 8 minutes, twice per day. Because there is such a wide variation in machines—the strength of the pulses they offer, and the frequency of the pulses’ transmission—there is a correspondingly wide variation in the amount of time you should spend using your PEMF machine. If you are uncertain, you can consult a PEMF practitioner, or the manufacturer of your machine.
How Often Should You Use Bemer?
The Bemer machine is specifically designed to be used twice each day, for 8 minutes each session. Although this may not seem like much, the Bemer company has developed their machine with microcirculation in mind, and their recommendations for use fall in line with their development team’s recommendations. Although there is plenty of literature to suggest that PEMF therapy is an extremely safe therapy, users should always follow the Bemer company’s usage guidelines, or at least reach out to the Bemer company for further guidance, should they wish to increase the amount of time they spend using their Bemer machine.
Is Bemer the Same As PEMF?
All Bemer machines are PEMF machines, but not all PEMF machines are Bemer machines. Bemer is a brand/company that produces PEMF therapy machines, but the Bemer company did not invent PEMF therapy, nor is it the sole creator of PEMF therapy machines. Bemer is the same as PEMF therapy, in that Bemer therapy is a type of PEMF therapy system. The precise differences between Bemer machines and other PEMF therapy machines lies in the individual components of the machines. Because all PEMF machines vary in her waveforms, frequencies, and intensities, it would not be accurate to say that Bemer therapy and PEMF therapy as a whole are identical.
Is Bemer Therapy Covered By Insurance?
Like other forms of PEMF therapy, Bemer therapy is not covered by insurance. Because Bemer machines are categorized by the FDA as wellness devices, they are not given a clearance high enough to warrant insurance coverage. This is because insurance companies focus almost entirely on covering services that are considered medically necessary, or classified as medical devices or procedures. An X-ray and MRI, for instance, will be covered by insurance, even though it involves machine-delivered energy, but those devices are considered medical-grade devices and require special technicians. Because PEMF therapy is a wellness device and can be used by anyone, insurance companies will not cover it.
Is PEMF Bad?
PEMF therapy is not bad. The “bad” label is often erroneously given to PEMF therapy because it is mistaken for or associated with harmful EMFs, or electromagnetic fields that have the potential to harm people to disrupt human health. PEMF therapy does not deliver the “dirty” radiation associated with harmful EMFs, but instead delivers what has been described as “pure” electromagnetic energy, created by the application of electricity to pure copper coils. As countless research studies can attest, PEMF therapy is not bad, but can actually be a powerful healing modality for a diverse number of conditions, including depression, bone remodeling, and arthritic pain.
Is PEMF FDA Approved?
PEMF therapy has received several different FDA approvals, for use in treating depression, in muscle stimulation, bone formation, and bone fractures. These FDA approvals were delivered after PEMF therapy demonstrated enough consistent evidence of success for each of these conditions. Although these are the only FDA approvals that PEMF therapy has been given, the absence of further FDA approvals comes largely due to the classification shift given to the technology. Rather than being classified as medical devices, PEMF therapy machines are now defined as wellness devices, and do not require FDA approval for specific ailments. This allows PEMF machines be used in health clinics and home settings, as well.
Is PEMF Real?
PEMF therapy is a real type of therapy, and has enjoyed a surge in research demonstrating its efficacy in a wide range of applications. In addition to the FDA approvals awarded to PEMF therapy, PEMF therapy has very real applications as a pain treatment method, an intervention for arthritis pain and discomfort, and may even be useful as a method to improve circulation and speed muscle recovery for athletes. Although the ability of one machine to treat numerous ailments may make it seem as though the therapy is a magic button, PEMF therapy is backed by years of science and research studies, and simply supplies energy to the body’s cells.
Is PEMF Safe?
PEMF therapy is considered an extremely safe form of therapeutic intervention. Unlike many pharmaceutical medications and other types of therapy, PEMF has relatively few (and extremely mild) side effects, and very few contraindications. PEMF therapy may not be a safe intervention for people with implanted electrical devices, like pacemakers and cochlear implants, and has not been tested for pregnant women or children. These individuals should not utilize PEMF therapy, unless directed otherwise by a doctor. Apart from these small populations, PEMF therapy is considered extremely safe, with mild side effects including discomfort at the site of application, decreased blood pressure and sugar, and tiredness during a session.
Is PEMF Therapy Effective?
PEMF therapy is an extremely effective form of therapy, and has been used for many different applications. PEMF therapy can effectively treat depression, pain, cervical fusion, and has also been used as a treatment to speed wound healing, bone remodeling, and muscle recovery. PEMF therapy has also been evaluated as a potential treatment for arthritis pain and decreased mobility, and has been studied in trials evaluating supplementary tumor treatment methods that are not invasive. If you are concerned about the efficacy of PEMF therapy, countless research studies can be found on online medical research journals and other publications, demonstrating the therapy’s uses.
What Are Side Effects of Magnetic Therapy?
The side effects of magnetic therapy are relatively mild, and are not terribly common. These side effects are also usually limited to the treatment session in question, and do not extend past magnetic therapy session’s duration. Nevertheless, potential side effects include dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and low heart rate. These effects are not common, but can be more likely to affect people who experience sensitivity to new treatment methods of all types. Magnetic therapy side effects may also peak during the first few sessions of magnetic therapy, and gradually taper off as time goes on and your body grows accustomed to the intervention.
What Does PEMF Therapy Feel Like?
The precise sensation attributed to PEMF therapy differs from person to person. Some do not feel a body-wide sensation, but do feel a pinching or scratching sensation at the site of application. Others feel a small sensation of warmth at the site of application, but also experience a body-wide tingling, warming, or heavy sensation. These sensations are not typically indicative of anything problematic, and are instead attributed to the energy being delivered to the body. People who are naturally more sensitive or more attuned to bodily sensations are usually more likely to experience the sensations mentioned above, but often experience a gradual tapering-off of sensation as PEMF sessions continue.
What Is a PEMF Mat?
A PEMF therapy mat is a mat that delivers pulses of electromagnetic energy when it is pressed up against the body. PEMF therapy mats come in all shapes and sizes. Some are intended to be used as lap mats, in order to target small, specific areas, while others are designed to extend the full length of the body, to deliver an all-over PEMF therapy session. PEMF mats are designed to deliver PEMF therapy at home or in a clinical setting, and can be easier to use and more effective as a general therapy than wands or rings used to deliver PEMF therapy.
What Is Bemer Treatment?
Bemer treatment is a form of PEMF therapy delivered by a specific company (the Bemer company). The components of Bemer machines are the same as components of other PEMF therapy machines, though the design of the Bemer waveform—a component of PEMF therapy—is said to be a patented waveform that more effectively targets and improves microcirculation, or the body’s circulatory system that extends into the limbs. According to the Bemer company, improvements in microcirculation improve cognitive function, sleeping patterns, and muscle recovery. Bemer treatment is designed to be used twice each day, or eight minute sessions, in order to deliver the most effective form of treatment.
What is Magna Wave PEMF?
Magna Wave PEMF is PEMF therapy delivered by the Magna Wave therapy company, one of the oldest and largest PEMF therapy companies currently in operation. Magna Wave therapy sets itself apart from its competitors in part due to the high intensity of its machines, and the availability of training sessions and classes offered by the company itself. Magna Wave is based in Kentucky, and offers classes and courses about PEMF therapy at its Kentucky base of operations. Magna Wave PEMF therapy machines are among the most powerful and most expensive, and many consider them a PEMF therapy machines designed largely for veterinary centers and professional clinics, versus basic home use.
What is Oska Pulse?
The Oska Pulse is a type of PEMF therapy that comes in a small, wearable device. Although PEMF therapy has been used in a variety of applications, the Oska Pulse is specifically designed to provide some amount of pain relief when worn, and is most often advertised as a way to utilize the power of PEMF therapy while exercising or engaging in some type of physical activity that elicits a pain response. The Oska Pulse is also considered a more affordable type of PEMF therapy, because its small, compact size makes it far less expensive than larger, more wide-reaching machines.
What Is PEMF Technology?
PEMF technology is a type of technology with roots in the electrical and electromagnetic research conducted in the mid to late 1800s, by Nikola Tesla and his peers. Although the modern PEMF therapy machine would not be invented and perfected until the middle of the 1900s, and only recently has seen a dramatic upswing in use, PEMF technology is not a novel form of therapy. PEMF creates a pure electromagnetic field by applying electricity to a pure copper coil. This electromagnetic energy is then transmitted into an application device, which is placed on the body, in order to deliver energy to the body’s cells, in order to aid and speed healing.
What is PEMF Therapy Good For?
PEMF therapy can be used for many different applications, ranging from mental health issues to small wounds and incisions. PEMF therapy is good for a host of conditions because the therapy delivers energy to the body’s cells, which supports those cells’ ability to communicate with one another (and within themselves) and carry out the body’s natural healing pathways and techniques. For this reason, PEMF therapy can be used as a general support for health and wellness, as well as a targeted treatment option for joint pain and stiffness, bone loss and damage, treatment-resistant depression, and numerous other conditions, including general pain and low energy.
What Is the Difference Between EMF and PEMF?
The term “EMF” is a broad one, and can describe everything from harmful radiation to the more innocuous forms of electromagnetic energy. “PEMF” is a much narrower term, and describes a particular type of EMF, which is used as a form of therapy. “EMF” stands for ElectroMagnetic Field, while “PEMF” stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field, and is usually accompanied by a “therapy” after the “PEMF.” EMF is frequently used to describe harmful, dangerous, or problematic electromagnetic fields, while PEMF is used to describe a safe and effective form of therapy that uses a certain type of electromagnetic field, generated specifically for the purpose of imparting energy to the body’s cells.
Which PEMF Is Best?
There is really no “one best” PEMF therapy machine, because all therapy companies and designs are created to deliver different forms of PEMF and suit different needs. Some PEMF therapy machines, for instance, deliver extremely high-intensity pulses of energy, in order to treat acute or particularly dangerous conditions, while others prefer to deliver low-intensity energy, to support health overall and help treat chronic conditions. Some machines come with small wands to apply PEMF therapy to a specific area, while others come with large mats and deliver PEMF therapy to the entire body. Determining which PEMF machine is best requires you to determine your goals and needs for your machine.
Who Invented PEMF?
There is rarely a definitive, single individual credited with inventing PEMF therapy, because it was brought together and developed over a period of almost 100 years, with input from scientists and researchers of vast disciplines, including science and medicine. Although there is not a single person credited with PEMF’s invention, there are several different groups of researchers who have been pinpointed as the “parents” of PEMF therapy, including research teams from Japan, France, and the United States. These individuals took designs that started with the magnetic coil technology developed by Tesla, and took on a life of their own, culminating in today’s PEMF therapy machines.
Why Are PEMF Machines So Expensive?
PEMF therapy machines can range from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, and the reason for this is twofold: the cost of materials, and the complicated nature of any electrical device. PEMF therapy machines are comprised of a pure copper coil, which is housed either in the therapy mat being used, or the control box used to select PEMF therapy settings, and a control box that houses electrical components that allow you to select your PEMF therapy settings. Just as a computer or a phone come with a substantial price tag, PEMF therapy requires technology to run, and the delicate nature of technology requires higher prices.
Why Is Bemer So Expensive?
Bemer machines can be on the high end of home PEMF therapy machines, and this price is usually attributed to the age of the company, its reputation as a leader in the industry, and its claims regarding patented waveforms. Because Bemer puts a great deal of emphasis on their unique machine design, the quality of their materials, and their MLM structure, prices can be higher for Bemer machines than they might be for machines that do not utilize third-party sellers, do not claim special designs or technologies, and do not have specific, branded items designed to set their machines apart from the crowd.
What Is PEMF Therapy for Dogs?
PEMF therapy for dogs is a type of electromagnetic therapy that delivers pulses of energy to a dog’s body, in order to provide their body’s cells with enough energy to fulfill their intended functions. PEMF therapy for dogs differs from standard medications and other interventions, in that it is designed to support the body’s natural functions and offer a “boost” to cellular communication and function. In dogs, this can look like diminished pain, faster healing, and stronger overall health. Dogs who use PEMF therapy may experience boosts in temperament and energy levels, and may experience better sleep cycles and immunity.

Richard Hoover is a PEMF expert and content contributor to PEMF Advisor. With a bachelor’s degree in physics and multiple certifications in natural health programs, he is one of the best PEMF experts around.